This evening is the Worm Moon and tomorrow is the lunar eclipse in Virgo. First things first, I have new items up in my Cavern House shop on my website. For the first time, I am offering ritual items and magick totems. They're really cute and I'm excited to offer them. I have magick mermaids (sirenas) and magick moths. You can see pics of the items here. These are not curios or novelty items. I am an initiate of Dalikmata and Magwayen and communicate with them directly. I am a Tara devotee for 30+ years and have been guided by her closely. All of my comics were possible because of this deep spiritual practice. Please share with a friend who might need Filipina spirituality in their life <3
Okay! Let's get down to business. The images for this post are from issue two of my printed comic Komix & Resistance. I tasked my cohort this week with an air assignment. I'm not teaching young artists how to draw. I'm teaching them how to generate and also clear their creative portals so that new information can easily come through. I've combined elements of comics theory with elements of spirituality to empower students with skills needed to fight this Empire with their entire nervous systems AND their spirits. It's contemplative art x10 without the colonial New Ageism that robbed our indigenous and Asian spiritualities.
Again, this cohort didn't have to pay for these classes. They're totally free, but they had to apply to get in. The organizations involved raised money so that I could give the ten students stipends. So far we have worked with Earth elements (inviting the ancestors to speak to us, foundational elements of comics) and Air (communicating with the ancestors, sound meditation, transitions and word-image relationships in comics).
We work for three hours every Sunday and have a final reading at the Hormel LGBTQ Center in the SF Library on Thursday April 17, 2025. The students will read their final comics which are 2-4 pages long.
Thanks for reading this update.