This is my War Water. I use it for hexing. In some magick traditions hexing isn’t allowed and there are rules about energy “returning 3 fold” (or coming back three times as bad). This applies mostly to Wiccans, and those who follow other European lineages, who were brainwashed by the Christian and Catholic churches. When the church violently colonized pagans and animists in Europe their efforts to deter the practice of magick included these false claims that magick backfires. These same cultures also gave rise to wealthy, secret fraternal orders and cultural legacies, norms, that we still deal with today. For instance, in protesting political and racial oppression, anti-imperialist students at universities all over the USA last year were persecuted and physically attacked by law enforcement and mobs. The students who defended themselves were met with brutality by cops and punishment by the schools. Zionist celebrities paid people to physically intimidate these students on campus. Standing up for Gaza or demanding the right education on campus was an inconvenience to those in power. As the authority in the eyes of the public, the schools continued to punish those who spoke out against their school’s racist policies. The general public applauded and encouraged this mistreatment of intelligent, future-oriented students. Those in power who say that violence doesn’t justify more violence, “an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind,” are the same people who are oppressing and causing the violence. The students protesting to demand justice are within the same vein as the poor, throughout history, hexing to get justice. I mean, of course the oppressors don’t want you to know you have power. They simply want to brutalize you and your people without you fighting back.
As a Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander, hexing isn’t circular and doesn’t operate like a boomerang. My studies and spiritual experiences made it clear: hexing is about balance and a deep, aligned relationship with nature's energies. Our actions, thoughts, beliefs are all beams of light and sound (just like color is just an expression, how our nervous system makes sense of the light being absorbed or reflected or emitted by an object). Actions, thoughts, beliefs are bits of electromagnetic radiation that we make sense with using our amazing nervous systems. They do not exist in reality except as beams of light and sound. We can physically gather these actions, thoughts, beliefs (including karma coming our way) and concentrate them, direct them like an arrow at our enemy’s heart. We are like bots in a simulation. There are cheat codes. Our ancestors, guides, and the Land give them to us. Most of my potions and rituals borrow from open practices like indigenous Buddhism, local herbalism, and the rest of the instructions come directly from Higher Beings.
Trinidad’s formula (complex version) for War Water. Ingredients in bold are stock potions or blends made by me:
- 10 storm rusted nails or coffin nails per 4 oz
- 2 oz or more of Dark Moon water and 2 oz or more Full Moon water
- 1 spoon graveyard dirt
- 1 alligator tooth
- 3 snake vertebrae
- 1 piece of snake skin or 8 drops Snake oil
- 1 bee or 4 drops Bee oil
- Fish scales or 2 drops Sea oil
- One moth or 2 drops Moth oil
- One spoon “Justice” herb blend
- One spoon of “Nightmare” herb blend
- 1 piece of “Midnight Horror” bark
- 3 whole pieces of Hook root or Devil’s Shoestring
- 5 spoons of black salt
- One spoon of powdered eggshell
- 3 crushed bay leaves
- 4 drops of my blood or Full Moon menstrual blood
Sometimes I add more but these are the main ingredients. I leave a batch of 4oz or more outside under the Dark Moon or New Moon. Then, I use it for rituals on the Full Moon. DO NOT CONSUME OR PUT ON SKIN. It’s up to you how you want to use it in rituals or spells but be careful not to ingest.
I always ask for the support and energy of the spirits of the land, ancestors, and wandering souls before beginning any hexing ritual. Below are a list of results after two decades of hexing:
Enemy was plagued with ghosts in their house. They were so plagued that they moved out of their house and formally asked for my forgiveness.
Enemy was plagued with back pains so badly that they needed spinal surgery.
Enemy was plagued with emergency after emergency, costing them their job, savings, reputation.
Enemy was plagued with a terminal illness.
Enemy was plagued with insomnia and reported that they, for years, never got rest. They saw shadows moving around them all the time in the corner of their eyes.
Folks might develop sympathy regarding pain that is caused in other people’s lives through a hex. I only hex people for incredible wrongs (abuse, rape, molestation, racism)— not for personal, petty issues. My hexes are strong because I do a lot of good in my community and stand on the side of justice every time. I’ve gained the favor of spirits, ancestors, guides. I don’t feel that sympathy for enemies because the hex can only work if the perpetrator or enemy caused the same kind of pain, or comparable levels of pain, to someone else without reason. The hex simply gathers what is coming for them and makes the karma very concentrated, prolonged. Ultimately, they are supposed to learn from the hex and if they don’t then it will continue. I do not play about my family, my community, my people. Too many of us allow what shouldn’t be allowed and it leads to brutality and incarceration, rapes and molestation kept hidden, even mass atrocities and war. Get justice now.